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Using the Framework

Here’s a quick recap on the layers of the framework.

  • Self is the person you are born to become, as of today.
  • Practices are things you actively do, but they’re never complete. The ones I include are mindfulness, faith, and creativity.
  • Manifestations are the self showing itself to you and the world. It includes your hobbies, interests, likes and dislikes, and other tangible things that make you who you are.
  • Roles are the multitude of parts we play in life.
  • Environment is the physical and psychological space we interact in.

I learned the value of a framework when I was developing software. Having a framework provided more consistency during development, it allowed us to add features faster, and it was easier to bring other people into the team.

Here are some ways I think the Integrated Life Framework can be used.

  • Process new information. When you read books, articles, watch videos, etc. you want to apply the information to your life. Use the framework and ask if you’re processing the information at the right level. Does it impact the roles you play? Is it something that can influence a practice? How does it shape your understanding of environment?
  • Identify growth opportunities. If you analyze situations using the framework, you may see challenges differently and find ways to foster growth. For example, you may be unfulfilled in a role at work. Review the manifestations of your self and see if you can’t find a way to incorporate things you like into that role.
  • Know what you want. This is hard for me. I second guess myself all the time! Did I really want to take on that new role at work? Am I investing my time in the right things? Maybe there’s something better out there… what should I do?!? Through practices and manifestations, you understand and trust yourself more. You become more confident because you know what you want and what you don’t want.
  • Make intentional changes. How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. Maybe you need to make a change, but don’t know where to start. Using the framework, you can deconstruct things and identify changes to make. Do you need to change your role? Is it the environment? What aspects of yourself do you need to promote?

This weekly email is a way for me to share and test ideas. I’d love to hear what you think about the idea of using a framework for personal development. Email me anytime with your thoughts, feedback, or questions.

Simple Sundays are about making small changes that can have a big impact. One small change today can make Monday awesome. What will it be?