Making Small Changes

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Making Small Changes

My morning routine looks something like this…

  • Wake up, let the dogs out
  • Turn on the coffee maker
  • Feed the dogs
  • Get a cup of coffee and read the news while the sleepiness clears

I don’t really like reading the news. I don’t feel energized or excited when I’m done. I feel mostly frustrated, really. In fact, I recently was off the grid for a few days. You know what? When I resumed my morning routine the news wasn’t any different than when I had left! 

I’m wasting a lot of time in the mornings, time that could be spent doing things that bring me joy. I know that even in a sleepy state there are things I can do to have a more encouraging and enriching life. 

The Habit Loop
I decided to try and change my morning routine using a principle from the book “The Power of Habit” by Charles Duhigg. He says habits are the way our brain conserves energy. Habits allow the brain to relax and shift into an automatic response.

This is called the Habit Loop. There is a cue, a routine, and a reward. To make a change, We need to hack into that loop. If we can, then we can change the thing we do (the routine), change our habits, change our lives, and change the world. 

My cue is the cup of coffee. That’s when I sit down and read the news. So, to create a better habit, I am using that cue, but changing the routine. I have a list of about 7-8 things I will do instead of reading the news… books, podcasts, classes… whatever suits my mood best.

And that’s what I’ve done, or at least am working on. I’m still experimenting with the reward. Currently, my reward is breakfast, my favorite meal of the day! 

“The difference between who you are and who you want to be is what you do”  -Bill Phillips

Regardless of how you go about it, don’t stop working to change even the small things. Those small changes add up to revolutionary results. That’s what Simple Sundays are all about… taking something small, applying it to our lives, and making Monday awesome.

Until next time,


For a full explanation of the Habit Loop, go here: